
A fun and inclusive introduction to playing and singing medieval repertoire for all instrumentalists and singers. Explore the wealth and variety of musical timbres and textures found in music of the 12th-15th centuries.


Resident: £402 Non-Resident: £292 (25% off for under 27s) Code: 25/252

Booking for Members opens at 9am on Thursday 12th September 2024

Booking for Non-Members opens at 9am on Thursday 3rd October 2024

For details on how to become a Member to take advantage of early booking, see here.

What is the course about?

This course is an introduction to the fascinating world of medieval music. Learn songs and dances from the 12th to the 15th century, in the various styles from the countries they originated. It's also an opportunity to see, hear and even try a variety of the exciting instruments of the period; shawms, bagpipes, recorders, hurdy-gurdy, lutes, gitterns and percussion. Large group and one-to-a-part sessions included, along with sessions focussed on making our own arrangements, improvisation and ornamentation. Have-a-go sessions available on period instruments for modern players/singer.

Pitch A=440Hz

Website: amyasensemble.com

What will we cover?

We will learn songs and dances from different European countries, learning the different styles and possible instrumentation, as medieval music was not 'scored' for particular instruments. We will also look at arranging the music to work for our ensemble with embellishment of the melody, what accompaniment to use and learning appropriate improvisation.

What will we accomplish? By the end of this course you will be able to...

Sing/Play a few songs/dances from medieval Europe. Know where to find the music. Use different arrangement techniques in order to 'make the music your own'. Know what instruments are appropriate for the music of different countries. Start developing your ideas for ornamentation and improvisation.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

STANDARD: Learner, Improver, Confident, Skilful

Participants will need to be able to sight-read to a basic level and be willing to try some improvisation.

How will the course be taught, and will any preparation be required?

The course will be taught in a group, with no preparation required, although the music will be available in advance. We will explore smaller groups, as well, for some sessions. There will be plenty of one-to-one feedback.

Will music be provided in advance of the course?


Is there anything I need to bring?

Please bring your instrument(s) or voice, notebook and, if you can, a print-out of the music