
With compositions and arrangements for 2, 3 and 4 players together, Lisa and Liz will offer an opportunity for these popular wind instruments to explore chamber music together. Lisa Nelsen, flute, and Elizabeth Drew, clarinet, have been playing and working together for over 2 decades in various ensembles. Their passion for chamber music of every genre is something they'd like to share with participants in this new course. 


Resident: £402 Non-Resident: £292 (25% off for under 27s) Code: 25/222

Booking for Members opens at 9am on Thursday 12th September 2024

Booking for Non-Members opens at 9am on Thursday 3rd October 2024

For details on how to become a Member to take advantage of early booking, see here.

What is the course about?

This course will be for the adventurous player of capable ability. The desire to work closely with another wind player without the support of a pianist or drummer is essential!! The music will include some works by known composers such as Bach and Mozart AND Malcolm Arnold and Robert Muczynski. There will be a larger pile of pieces available by lesser-known composers to explore. Daily classes will include morning sessions together with flutes and clarinets on their own. Players will then move into ensembles to work together for the sessions, switching to encourage a good mix of access to the music, and to the wonderful social aspect of these courses.

What will we cover?

Ensemble playing in a small setting; discovering new music and arrangements for these popular wind instruments; how to rehearse together and feel good about the results!

What will we accomplish? By the end of this course I will be able to...

…sit down with a flute or clarinet, and know how to tune, count, adjust, blend sounds AND enjoy playing chamber music together.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?

The suggested level is Grade 8 standard and above. There will be group lessons throughout the course with opportunities to hear each other’s music and other participants’ thoughts on these pieces…

Will music be provided?

Music may be available but equally participants are encouraged to bring their own…and definitely bring their own choices to work through with others.

Is there anything I need to bring?

Your instrument and any ensemble music for this combination that you’d like to play. Please let us know if you would like to bring a piccolo, alto flute, Eb or bass clarinet.