undefinedLibrary books stacked

We have currently paused donations of books and sheet music while we work through a backlog.

All guests can make use of our extensive music library while on a Benslow course.

Members of Benslow Music Trust  can use the library at any time and can borrow up to six items for up to three months. Renewals are usually possible and we operate a postal service at cost price.

The Library’s holdings include miniature, study and full scores, songs, vocal scores, piano and instrumental pieces, chamber music parts, orchestral and dance band parts, as well as books.

The Library is staffed by volunteers on weekday afternoons (Monday to Friday from 2pm-4pm).


Donations of all music items (eg sheet music , scores) are accepted with the proviso that if we do not wish to retain them we can dispose of them through sale, donation or waste recycling. We regret we cannot accept books without prior agreement.


The catalogue is available for download on this page.


Items cannot be borrowed for the use of a third party (for instance parts for other courses or orchestras in which the borrower is not involved). Members can, however, borrow music sets for ensembles in which they are involved. 

To find out how to become a Member, click here.

You can email the library directly at library@benslowmusic.org.

If you would like to speak to a librarian via the phone, calls are best made between 2-4pm when the library is most likely to be staffed.

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